
Is History Influenced By Literature?

History and Literature works are linked to each other. There are some relations found in history and literature. Because history influences how people think and act and how they think and act that influences how they write, and the writing is reflected in the literature works by authors. Many literature works written in World War I and II have some effect on the war in their writing.

In fiction, nonfiction, and novels, everywhere there are some effects of history in so many books. Suppose you ask me why the answer is straightforward. We think according to our situation in society and the world. And this is the current history of this world. And my thinking and writing have some clear effects on this thinking, which are part of current history.

History and Literature Relations

Human beings are part of history. And also the part of literature. Now you have a clear idea about this topic. So let’s jump a bit deep now. History is the material document of human experience, and literature is the artistic expression of that experience. Both are essentially human experiences, but their expressions are different.

Despite differences in expression, there is a deep connection between literature and history. The main element of history is human, and so is literature. The vast world of the human mind remains beyond the grasp of history, and the main subject of literature is the psyche. Controversy seems to be a part of history.

Who is writing history, and whom you made part of history – both are equally important. The historian’s thoughts, personal experiences, and perspectives influence his writing. And usually, the winning party writes history. The pages of history will be filled with the glory and praise of the victorious party; that is normal.

Subsequent historians should find the solid truth of history from the rubbish of fiction and pass it on from the present generation to future generations. The historian’s focus is on the events, along with the cause-and-effect efforts. He wants to know the year and date of the incident. Literary attempts are made to the effect of the event on people rather than the actual event.

As part of this effort, he sensitively sheds light on the people concerned with lives and minds, where the characters are not just heroes of history; they are husbands, wives, or children, all flesh-and-blood people, not chess pieces of history.

History wrote the story of events, and literature wrote the bleeding of the heart. The event’s description is proven in the material analysis, but the heart’s bleeding is a matter of imagination and perception. Only the hand of literature can reach that goal of imagination and perception.

Conclusion About the Influence Of Literature and History

History says that every year, date, character, and event of what is recorded and written in the literature is verified in the truth test – there is no room for imagination. So that is historical is true.

So if a novel or a story is written centering on history or an event or character of history, history is established in full dignity. But when a writer writes a novel or a story, his imagination is the main thing.

In some of these cases, it is impossible to come across any true event or character. If a story is written about a historical event or character, the writer should follow the history as much as possible. The full dignity of the historical novel is recognized there.


This article was written by getting some ideas from various online articles about Literature and History. Special thanks to Chowdhury Salauddin Mahmud, whose writing in a news magazine helped me understand this topic deeply. I expect now it’s clear to you that literature and history have some deep relationship.

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