The first arrival of black people on the North American continent in the United States was in 1528 at a Spanish factory off South Carolina. Taking the opportunity to fight for leadership, these black slaves left the factory and joined the Native Americans, many of whom returned to Haiti’s former address.
The Spaniards, who had established permanent bases in North America among the Europeans, also had an unknown number of slaves in their colony in 1585.
As of July 2017, 41.5 million (12.6%) of the United States population are black or African-American. The top 10 black states are New York, California, Tepras, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, North Carolina, Maryland, Michigan, and Louisiana. The city with the most significant number of black people in New York. And racism is one of the main problems of western countries.
Not only in western countries but also all over the world. But in Western, this is a grave matter. I am reviewing a book today named ‘Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You.’ Many Americans like this book. I read some of Its reviews in GoodReads and saw many people advised to put this book on the curriculum.
Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You’s Author
The name of the author of this book is Jason Reynolds. He is a very famous and well-known writer in America nowadays. The New York Times best-selling author of All American Boys, the Track series, Long Way Down, For Everyone, and Miles Morales-Spiderman.
He is an American writer who writes novels and poetry for adults and middle-aged people. Many of his books became best sellers and got so many awards.
“Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You” Book Review
A public review of a certain book is a significant thing. It says how people reacted to the book. That is why we collect some user ratings and reviews of a book. These reviews were collected from Goodreads. A positive and a negative review is given.
Someone rated 5 stars and said, Still reeling after finishing this advanced review copy written by Jason Reynolds and based on Dr. Ibram X. Kendi’s work. I immediately wanted to start it again as I knew each read would offer new knowledge.
To see the history of racism wrapped up like this is sheer brilliance, necessary, and audacious. Every person, teen, and adult should read this book, discuss it, and jump into action. This is the most important book I have read this year.
Someone rated 1 star and said, This book is a perfect example of the fallacy and problem of presentism in our current telling of history. I have no problem acknowledging racism, past and present, but this retelling of history through our 21st-century eyes left me rolling my own eyes.
He practically throws away the efforts of Jefferson, Booker T. Washington, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Lincoln, and Harper Lee because they do not push the bounds fully or correctly in his eyes.
Many people are currently defacing and pulling down monuments because of these kinds of thwarted and uninformed views of historical figures. Let’s honor the efforts of the past while we continue to work towards the future!
We do not write only positive or negative reviews. We post both because it reveals both points of view of why someone liked it and why not.
Quotes From The Book, “Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You”
I found two quotes from the book that are something to share. These two quotes are from the book ‘Stamped: Racism and Antiracism and You.’ Quotes say how deep the author’s thoughts are in the book. It says many things in a few sentences.
Here you go, some quotes from the book. We can’t attack a thing we don’t know. That’s dangerous. And…foolish. It would be like trying to chop down a tree from the top of it.
If we understand how the tree works, how the trunk and roots are where the power lies, and how gravity is on our side, we can attack it, each of us with small axes, and change the forest’s face.
To know the past is to know the present. To know the present is to know yourself.