
Who Is The Father Of English Literature?

Who is the father of English literature? If this is your question then continue reading this article to know elaborate about the father of English literature; his life, his legacy, and how a litterateur became the father of English literature. Here in this article; we will be talking about the father of English literature elaborately.

Geoffery Chaucer is called the father of  English literature, the father of the English language; alternatively the father of English Poetry. We will be discussing Geoffery’s life, his works of life, and how he became the father of English literature, poetry, and language.

Geoffery Chaucer: A Short Description

Geoffrey Chaucer, often referred to as the “Father of English Literature”, was an English poet and author who lived during the Middle Ages. He was born around 1343 and died in 1400.

Father Of English Literature- Geoffery Chaucer

Chaucer is best known for his work “The Canterbury Tales”, a collection of stories told by a group of pilgrims traveling to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury. This work is celebrated for its complexity, humor, and vivid depiction of the period.

Chaucer’s writing was revolutionary because he chose to write in English, the language of the common people, at a time when Latin and French were the dominant literary languages. His use of English helped to legitimize it as a language of literature and had a significant influence on the development of the English language.

In addition to his literary contributions, Chaucer also had a diverse career in public service. He served in the royal court, was a diplomat, and held various civil positions.

Chaucer’s works continue to be studied and appreciated for their literary merit and their insight into English society during the Middle Ages. His influence on English literature and language is immeasurable.

How Geoffery Chaucer Became The Father Of English Literature?

Geoffrey Chaucer, often referred to as the “Father of English Literature”, earned this title through his significant contributions to the development of the English language and literature.

Father Of English Literature

Here’s how:

  1. Use of English in Literature: Unlike his contemporaries who used Latin and French, Chaucer chose to write in English, the language of the common people. This was a revolutionary step that helped legitimize English as a language of literature.
  2. Adaptation of Meter and Rhyme Structure: Chaucer adapted the meter and rhyme structure of French and Latin poetry into the English framework. This not only enriched English poetry but also made it more accessible to the common people.
  3. Development of Middle English: Chaucer gathered the Middle English dialect and started writing poetry in it3. His works were some of the first pieces of literature written in a form of English that is understandable and recognizable to modern readers today.
  4. Influential Works: Chaucer’s works, most notably “The Canterbury Tales”, are celebrated for their complexity, humor, and vivid depiction of the period. These works have had a lasting impact on English literature.

Through these contributions, Geoffrey Chaucer played a pivotal role in the growth and development of the English language, earning him the title of the “Father of English Literature”.

Why Geoffrey Chaucer Is Called The Father Of English Poetry?

Geoffrey Chaucer is often referred to as the “Father of English Poetry” due to his significant contributions to English poetry. Geoffrey Chaucer is called  Here’s why:

  • Contribution to the Development of English Poetry: Chaucer wrote many famous poems that are now recognized worldwide. He was influenced by French and Italian literature in his early periods, and his works from these periods include “The Romance of the Rose”, “Compleynt into Rity”, “The ABC”, “The Legend of Good Women”, “The House of Fame”, and “The Parliament of Fowls”. His most important period was when he was influenced by English literature, during which he wrote his masterpiece, “The Canterbury Tales”.
  • Use of Variation and Style in English Poetry: Chaucer stands at the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Age. He introduced the heroic couplet into English verse and is known for his use of wit, satire, and humor. His works are often allegorical and enjoys the genre of story, drama, novel, etc.
  • Contribution to the Development of the English Language in Poetry: Chaucer is called the father of the English language because he raised the regional language, East Midland, to the level of the National language. He became the founder of Modern English poetry because he freed himself from foreign influences and used his native English language in poetry.

Through these contributions, Chaucer played a pivotal role in the growth and development of English poetry, earning him the title of the “Father of English Poetry”.

What Are The Famous Works Of Geoffery Chaucer?

Geoffery Chaucer is called d the father of English poetry, and English Literature and Also the father of the English language. It was Geoffery Chaucer who first started writing in the common people’s English. It was a  time then; when all the English writers used to write their literature in French and Latin; which; was quite not friendly to read for the common people.

At that time; Geoffery Chaucer started writing his literature in English. Using the language of the common people and making English more literary available to English-spoken people. Here are some of the words of Geoffery Chaucer.

The Canterbury Tales
  1. The Canterbury Tales: This is Chaucer’s most famous work, a collection of stories told by a group of pilgrims traveling to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury.

    Troilus and Criseyde

  2. Troilus and Criseyde: This is a long poem by Chaucer set during the Trojan War.

    The Book of the Duchess

  3. The Book of the Duchess: This is the first of Chaucer’s major poems, likely written following the death of Blanche of Lancaster.

    The House of Fame

  4. The House of Fame: This is a poem by Chaucer about the fickleness of fame and human knowledge.

    Parliament of Fouls

  5. Parliament of Fouls: This is a dream vision poem by Chaucer, often considered the first reference to the idea that St. Valentine’s Day is a special day for lovers.

    The Legend of Good Women

  6. The Legend of Good Women: This is a poem in which Chaucer writes about good women from history and mythology.

    A Treatise on the Astrolabe

  7. A Treatise on the Astrolabe: This is a short work by Chaucer describing the form and use of the astrolabe.

So, these are some of the notable works of the Father of English Poetry and the Father of the English Language. Here in this article; I’ve tried my best to discuss more concisely about the great Geoffery Chaucer. I’ve tried to put up the reason; why he is called the father of English poetry, the father of English literature,

and the last why he is called the father of English Language; who gave new life to the language of the English people.

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