A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi is a powerful and poignant young adult novel set in the aftermath of 9/11. The story follows Shirin, a sixteen-year-old Muslim girl tired of being stereotyped and facing prejudice due to her race, religion, and the hijab she wears.
As she navigates high school, she builds protective walls to shield herself from the world’s cruelty. But then she meets Ocean James, someone who genuinely wants to get to know her. Their worlds seem irreconcilable, yet Shirin must decide whether to let her guard down and allow someone in.
A Very Large Expanse of Sea By Tahereh Mafi Book Info:
- Publisher: HarperTeen
- Published: October 16, 2018
- ISBN: 9780062866561
- Pages: 220
- Size: 2.65