Florence Adler Swims Forever by Rachel Beanland is a family saga that unfolds throughout one summer in 1934. Set in Atlantic City, the novel follows three generations of the Adler family as they grapple with heartbreak, romance, and the weight of family secrets. Esther and Joseph Adler rent out their house to vacationers while moving into the small apartment above their bakery.
Their two daughters, Fannie and Florence, have their challenges: Florence returns from college determined to swim the English Channel, while Fannie, pregnant after a recent loss, is on bed rest. When tragedy strikes, Esther makes a shocking decision to hide the truth, pulling the family into an elaborate web of secret-keeping and lies.
Florence Adler Swims Forever By Rachel Beanland Book Info:
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster
- Published: July 7, 2020
- ISBN: 9781982132460
- Pages: 264
- Size: 1.27