Hypnobirthing By Siobhan Miller free pdf book download from here. “Hypnobirthing: Practical Ways to Make Your Birth Better” is a guide by Siobhan Miller, a renowned hypnobirthing instructor and the founder of The Positive Birth Company. The book aims to transform the way we perceive and experience childbirth.
Hypnobirthing is an evidence-based and logical form of prenatal education. It enlightens you about the functioning of your body at the muscular and hormonal levels during labor and how you can employ various relaxation techniques to work in harmony with your body. This makes childbirth more efficient and comfortable.
Hypnobirthing By Siobhan Miller Book Info:
- Publisher: Piatkus Books
- Published: March 7, 2019
- ISBN: 9780349419381
- Pages: 224
- Size: 1.69