Once Upon a Time in Hollywood by Quentin Tarantino is a 2019 film that he directed. Set in 1969 Los Angeles, the movie follows the lives of a faded television actor named Rick Dalton (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) and his loyal stunt double, Cliff Booth (played by Brad Pitt), as they navigate the final years of Hollywood’s Golden Age.
Amidst a changing industry, the film weaves together multiple storylines and pays tribute to the era’s glamour and intrigue. It’s a blend of comedy and drama, featuring an ensemble cast and capturing the essence of a bygone era.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood By Quentin Tarantino Book Info:
- Publisher: Harper Perennial
- Published: June 29, 2021
- ISBN: 9780063112520
- Pages: 299
- Size: 1.87