The Ballerinas by Rachel Kapelke-Dale is a captivating debut novel that intertwines the lives of three ballerinas who meet as students at the Paris Opera Ballet School. Delphine, once a prestigious soloist at the Paris Opera Ballet, abandoned her spot fourteen years ago, taking with her a secret that could upend the lives of her best friends, fellow dancers Lindsay and Margaux.
Now 36 years old, Delphine returns to the legendary Palais Garnier Opera House to choreograph a ballet that will kickstart the next phase of her career and, she hopes, finally make things right with her former friends. However, Delphine quickly discovers that things have changed while she’s been away, and some secrets can’t stay buried forever.
Rachel Kapelke-Dale, an American novelist living in Paris, weaves a wonderful tale that resonates with the world of ballet, ambition, and hidden truths.
The Ballerinas By Rachel Kapelke-Dale Book Info:
- Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
- Published: December 7, 2021
- ISBN: 9781250274236
- Pages: 351
- Size: 2.27