The Color of Magic By Terry Pratchett book PDF free download from here. The story unfolds on the Discworld, a flat planet carried through space on the backs of four gargantuan elephants, who themselves stand on the shell of Great A’Tuin, a gigantic star turtle. The story takes place in Ankh-Morpork, the largest city in the Discworld. The protagonist is an incompetent and cynical wizard named Rincewind. Rincewind is hired as a guide for Twoflower, an insurance clerk from the Agatean Empire who visits Ankh-Morpork. Twoflower is immensely rich due to the abundance of gold in his homeland.
The Color of Magic By Terry Pratchett Book Info:
- Publisher: Harper
- Published: September 13, 2005
- ISBN: 9780060855925
- Pages: 250
- Size: 0.7