The Edge of Summer by Viola Shipman is an exciting summertime escape set along the sparkling shores of Lake Michigan. In this poignant novel, a woman named Sutton Douglas embarks on a quest to uncover the secrets of her secretive mother’s past. Devastated by the sudden death of her mother, Miss Mabel, a quiet and intensely private Southern seamstress, Sutton decides to pack up and head north to the Michigan resort town.
Recalling Miss Mabel’s sewing notions from her childhood, Sutton buys a collection of buttons at an estate sale. These buttons lead her to Bonnie Lyons, the imposing matriarch of the lakeside community.
The Edge of Summer By Viola Shipman Book Info:
- Publisher: Graydon House
- Published: July 12, 2022
- ISBN: 9781525811425
- Pages: 300
- Size: 1.28