The Library at Mount Char By Scott Hawkins is a novel that blends contemporary fantasy and horror genres. The plot centers around Carolyn, who has been raised with eleven other “siblings” under the supervision of a godlike man known as Father (also referred to as Ablakha or Adam Black). Father is known for his sadistic and cruel behavior towards his children.
The novel explores Carolyn’s journey as she investigates the mysteries of Father’s ancient customs, the secrets of his power, and the unguarded Library that holds the keys to control over all of creation. As Carolyn gathers tools for the battle to come, fierce competitors with powers far exceeding her own align against her.
The Library at Mount Char By Scott Hawkins Book Info:
- Publisher: Crown
- Published: March 15, 2016
- ISBN: 9780553418620
- Pages: 405
- Size: 3.58