The Travelling Cat Chronicles By Hiro Arikawa free PDF book download from here. “The Travelling Cat Chronicles” is a touching novel penned by Hiro Arikawa that has captivated readers globally. The narrative unfolds around Nana, a stray cat in Tokyo, and his human, Satoru. They set off on a journey across Japan, visiting three of Satoru’s old friends without a clear objective.
Nana, who has the luxury of occupying the front seat of a silver van, is unsure of their destination or the purpose of their journey. They meet various individuals, including a curt farmer who sees cats as mere pest controllers, a kind couple who operate a pet-friendly B&B, and a sorrowful man whose cat-loving wife has recently left him.
The Travelling Cat Chronicles By Hiro Arikawa Book Info:
- Publisher: DOUBLEDAY
- Published: October 29, 2018
- ISBN: 0857526332
- Pages: 178
- Size: 2.99